About us

Meet our team!

A team of designers working together in perfect harmony. They laughed and discussed ideas, debated potential solutions, and celebrated each other's successes.

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Marie Lebert
CEO / Head of Technology
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Christopher Alves
Account Manager
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Justin Lewis
Head of Design

From payroll and accounting to customer service and sales

From payroll and accounting to customer service and sales


Ready-made templates

Optimme is an invaluable tool for increasing human productivity. It allows us to automate and streamline complex tasks



The implications of software for increasing human productivity are clear, and the potential is immense.



On a more personal level, software can help us become more organized, better manage our finances, and improve our overall quality of life.



From payroll and accounting to customer service and sales, software is being used in virtually every sector to streamline operations and increase productivity.


Join to our satisfied customers

Try Optimme for free. No credit card required.


James White
CEO at Kinto Office Solutions

I have been using Optimme for a few months now and I have to say it has improved my workflow tremendously. This software provides excellent features to plan and optimize tasks and processes.


Josh Wissman
CEO at Revolted Aestetics

It is easy to use and makes managing projects a breeze. The reporting and analytics functions allow me to track metrics and evaluate performance which helps me make more informed decisions.


Alison Moss
Specialist at Minimog

Overall, Optimme has been a fantastic tool to help get more out of my workday. Highly recommend for anyone looking for an efficient and effective task optimization software!


Jon Theodore
Marketing Specialis at CERRA

I have been using Optimme for a few months now and I have to say it has improved my workflow tremendously. This software provides excellent features to plan and optimize tasks and processes.

Get started. Schedule a meeting right now!

From payroll and accounting to customer service and sales, Optimme is being used in virtually every sector to streamline operations and increase productivity.